Saturday, April 5, 2008

Friday Fun!

The kids & I went to our ward play group on Friday. We met at a beautiful home(until it warms up) & everyone brought something to share for lunch. Kate had such a fun time with all of her nursery friends playing babies, kitchen & princesses. Chandler motored himself around, between & on top of everyone... while I enjoyed chatting with new & old friends from the ward.
Afterwards, we went to South Town Mall to play at their play land and purchase some new summer flip flops ( I do know they will be worn at least one week this summer when we go to AZ).
Lastly, we went home to have a snack, make dinner & anxiously wait for Steve to get home.
She gets so excited to slide by herself!
Chan just waking up from a nap while Kate was playing.

Kate did a great job picking out all four pairs. You can't beat Children's Place; 2 for 5 bucks!

No, she's not a mad scientist or didn't grow a beard! This is what she looks like when she eats chocolate pudding at snack time.

1 comment:

Mary Ann said...

i love the pics.. especially the last one! so cute.. and the flip flops are adorable. i'm going to have to get some for the girls!