Happy FOURTH Birthday Bubba's!
Dinosaur Museum:
Dinner at Rubio's:
Chicken Cheese Crisp, rice & black beans with a Rootbeer
Brownie for dessert
Chandler: has more energy than anyone on Earth, is starting Joy School this year, loves Sunbeams & his teacher (Sis. Adams), loves Toy Story, Scooby Doo & Curious George, loves to be outside, has a tender heart, has bad allergies (eyes swell shut), loves Icees, ice cream & snow cones, sleeps in every day, 9:30am-10am ( twice this summer, woke up at noon), enjoys swimming, always talking about his cousins & Disneyland, actually is listening in FHE (brings up lessons during the week), always has a stick in his hand when he's outside, brings bugs & worms in the house to show us his new pet,
very mischievous, always smiling, loves band aids, great breakfast eater, LOVES popcorn, likes to sleep on a "doggy bed" on the floor (instead of in his queen bed), the first one to give you a hug & kiss, asked for a hang glider for his birthday.