Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Have You Ever_____________?

Have you ever...

had to take your child over to the neighbors house so he won't escape and roam the neighborhood while you shower for the day (thanks Becky)?

found your child sitting on the kitchen floor, dipping his toes in his yogurt and then licking it off?

found your child ripping open Kool-Aide packets in the sink, then telling you he's making "memonade" (lemonade)?

watched your child lay on his stomach and try to suck up the water from puddles?

found your child in your make-up bag, putting mascara on his lips, as if it was lip gloss?

found your child trying to hide on the middle shelf of the refrigerator when playing hide-n-go-seek?

heard your neighbor ask your child if he's a billy goat because he puts everything in his mouth?

had to store all knives, (including butter knives) on top of the refrigerator because they are "swords?"

found your child's armoire cabinets broken into four pieces because he was swinging on them back and forth?

found your child cinching a belt, scarf, jump rope or cell phone charger around his neck because he's a dog, wanting to go for a walk?

I have and still LOVE the rascal!


Sarah LeSueur said...

YIKES!! Is this what I have to look forward too??

Ty and Marla Stevens said...

LOL Oh my Sommer he makes our boys look like cake! We love our Wild-man-Chan!!!!

Unknown said...

who knew naughty could be so endearing?!

Alisha said...

Love it!! What a cute little rascal!!

Aimee's Family Journal said...

It is just so hard! I am in that same stage of craziness with my 16 month old. All day long I find myslef saying "Are you kidding me?"

Lanise said...

Oh Sommer! As much as I hate to admit it, that sounds like my everyday!!!! Ha Ha Ha That plus body surfing through the kitchen in Chocolate syrup, running away to catch the train while I get in the shower and making his way to the roof more than once! I know how you feel!!!! :)

Miken Harding said...

Way to keep you on your toes. HE's all boy! How fun.

Jodiane said...

Man, what a crazy this post Sommer. You are just keeping it real, as real as Chandler is.