Thursday, August 27, 2009

On the Home Stretch!

Doctor says we are still on schedule... four weeks from today!
My toes are still there!

Maybe by the time "baby sister" arrives Kate will be able to include my entire face in a picture (this was the best one out of twelve).
*** photo by Kate***


Aimee's Family Journal said...

It that hilarious! Noah cant take a decent picture either. But it is a great perspective, to see things at the level thay do! I can't wiat to hear about your 3rd Csection expereince. I am really excited for you!

Unknown said...

your toes look nice!

Good luck on the home stretch. I am jealous, admittedly. But once your babe is born, I know mine is only two months behind.

Lookin' good, Sommer

Marie said...

Wow, I can't believe its almost time. Do you have a name picked out?

Allred's said...

You look so great, and such a good photo by Kate